This cenotaph was modeled after an ancient Egyptian funeral barge.
Isidor and Ida Straus were the elderly couple in the Titanic movie, notable because Mrs. Straus refused to board one of the lifeboats, because her husband couldn’t go with her. In the film, he was pictured with a long white beard, a long black fur coat and a top hat. A '“cenotaph” is a memorial, to honor someone, but it does not contain the person’s remains. Cenotaphs are often used to honor those killed in battle, but whose bodies were never recovered.
Isdor and Ida Straus. Perished on the Titanic. This bronze was not done by Lawrie. I don't know who created it.
Gate to the cenotaph, by Samuel Yellin
Egyptian Funeral Barge
Another view of the funeral barge
The front of the Funeral Barge.
Gate to the cenotaph. Note, the swastika was use for ages and by many different cultures as a symbol of good fortune before the Nazis appropriated it and reversed it.
"Many wasters cannot quench love-neither can the floods drown it." Isidor Straus Born 1845- Lot at Sea April 15, 1912. Ida Straus Born 1849-Lost at Sea April 15, 1912.