The Pennsylvania Education Building
Of all of Lawrie’s works, my favorites are the multiple door grates he created for the Pennsylvania Education Building, and the dramatic and performers images, of the Forum Building, which adjoins the Ed Building. These are from circa 1931. The images on the Education Building illustrated various career paths that young people could study for and become.
Again, all of these images sprang from the mind—and hands of Lee Lawrie. I find the variety of these characters simply astounding.
(Click the images to see more.)

The Minotaur

An anchor, representing the maritime trades

Art Deco Workmen.

Indian Dancer with Bison Head Mask on.

This door grate on the Forum Building shows an Aztec dancer, Thoth, Hercules, Atlas, Leonardo, Copernicus, Socrates, a Japanese warrior-type, an Actor and other mythological figures.

Chemists, a miner, and a theodolite and scale. Note the stars have Keystones emblazoned on them, representing the Keystone State.

A hand holding a torch, no doubt, a functioning lamp nearly a century ago

Scales, commonly used as a symbol for Law.

Punch Press Operator


This door to the Forum Building shows a witch, Aladdin, ac clown, a juggler, and acrobat, a lion tamer and a strong man.

This complex assortment of industries includes clockmaking, geography forestry, education (the lamp of knowledge,) music, drama masks, a beehive, an airplane propeller, a fireman, a cleric, athletes racing, a banker, glass blowers, a motor, a stone carver and a draftsman, a book, an artists's palate, a steamship, an elecrical dynamo, amphora, a steelmaking crucible/bucket, a cobbler's tools and an anchor, for maritime trades

Tucked away in here is a Benjamin Franklin, Orators, Aladdin, Shakespeare, a lute player, a Whirling Dervish, an Indian next to a Cowboy, the Son of William Tell, and many additional unidentifiable figures.

More dramatic characters.

Such a fertile imagination.

Farming, tailoring, masonry, architecture, blacksmithing.

Hourglasses and lamps.

Another owl stands guard.