Note on the blueprint, it shows where the statue of Civilization is to be placed.
Civilization Symbolizing the Progress of Man The Torch of Enlightenment rests on a turtle, symbol of the dominion over earth and water.
Civilization with her crown. Complete with the Library, The City of Los Angeles, (the Angels) and the State of California with the Bear.
Upon her Gown, are the various civilizations A Blank for the Unknown Ages of Man The Pyramids for Egypt A Ship for Phoenicia The Winged Bull for Babylonia The Tablets for Judea The Lion Gate of the Palace of Minos and the Parthenon for Minoan and Grecian Civilizations The Wolf with Romulus and Remus for Rome The Dragon for China Siva for India Noter Dame for Mediaeval Christian Europe The Serpent Head for Maya The Buffalo, the Covered Wagon and the Liberty Bell for the United States.
Her book states "ON THE OPEN BOOK ARE THE INSCRIPTIONS IN FIVE LANGUAGES In the beginning was the word. (Translated from Greek) Knowledge extends horizons (Translated from Latin) Nobility carries obligations. (Translated from French) Wisdom is in the truth. (Translated from German) Beauty is Truth--Truth Beauty "
Left Sphinx Inscription "I'm all that was and is to be and no man hath lifted my veil." --Plutarch
Translation of the Greek lines fro Plutarch on the Sphinxes' books.
Right Sphinx, "Therefore the desire of truth, especially of that which concerns the Gods, is itself a yearning after Divinity". --Plutarch
Left Sphinx Inscription "I'm all that was and is to be and no man hath lifted my veil. Plutarch
Right Sphinx, "Therefore the desire of truth, especially of that which concerns the Gods, is itself a yearning after Divinity". --Plutarch
Telegram from Lawrie about some damage to the Civilization statue.
Newspaper article stating the carving had been completed on the Library's sculpture.
Letter from Lawrie to Everett Perry, then the City Librarian, with comments about Civilization and the Lotus Fountain in the Children's Court.
Faith Holmes Hyer's analysis.